How I Use Layers to Color This Fantasy Monster Illustration (India Ink & Gouache Timelapse)

How I Use Layers to Color This Fantasy Monster Illustration (India Ink & Gouache Timelapse)

There's something magical about how color pops when you layer it into a drawing. In this time lapse video, you'll see me take this "chungus" from a blue line sketch to an eye-popping (see what I did there?) full-color illustration.

The impetus for this ttrpg commission artwork was when my friend Levi Combs at Planet X Games reached out about a special illustration project for an upcoming zine. Levi wanted to know if I'd be interested in making a professional illustrator's spin on his son Owen's drawing.

I said "HELL YEAH!"

So sit back and enjoy this time lapse art video about my illustration process and how I use layers of gouache and India ink to make vibrant colors.

Prints of this drawing are (only) available here on my website:

The supplies I used in this video are available on Amazon. (These are affiliate links which won't cost you any extra money but put a couple of pennies in my pocket if you click through):

Dr. P.H. Martin's Matte Black India Ink:
Dr. P.H. Martin's Pen-White India Ink:
Micron Fine-Liner Pens:
Opaque watercolors (aka gouache):
140 lb. 8x10" Watercolor Paper:
Sony ZVE-10 Vlogging Camera: